The Point Of A Surf Rashguard

By Lila Barry

Surfing is a fun sport. Some people just do this to keep fit and it is really great to spend time with friends at the same time. It is also nice to learn new tricks and techniques and improve on the sport. Others take the sport more seriously. However, everyone needs the right equipment, and one of those things is a surf rashguard.

There are divers who wear this over their wetsuit as well as snorkelers. You get these vests in different qualities. Some are thinner than others. Surfers in warmer waters will only need a very thin vest, where as someone in an ocean where it is much colder will where something that is thicker. However, someone like this maybe sufficient with just a wetsuit.

The friction that it creates when you rub your arms against the board will make your arms go red. This is if you have no protection. It may help if you have a wetsuit, but not all surfers want this because in a place like Hawaii, for example, the waters are a lot warmer and you don't need all of that extra heat.

If you were to watch a competition, you would have noticed surfers wearing vests like these so that judges can identify them. There are usually commentators at these events and they will often name them by the color the rash guard. They will say, something like surfer in red or surfer in yellow, instead of their name, which can be complex.

A surf school will also make sure that all of their students look the same and they will find vests which are also bright in color. If there is only one surf instructor, it can be a job looking after everyone, so you need the help of something, like these vests to make sure you know where all the people in the class are.

At a surf shop, you may find rash vest being designed in a custom way. They will probably have their own logo on the back with their own slogan. It is best to have the design on the back because a surfer will be lying on the board most of the time, so this is the side that you will be seeing. However, you can have something small on front.

If you sell these at an affordable price, people are more likely to buy them. It would be worth your while because you will get free advertising. Most kids will want a vest with a famous label on the front, but when parents have already spent a lot of money on other equipment, they will not feel like spending more money on an expensive rashguard.

At the end of the day, you have to weigh up the pros and cons and find the surf rashguard that you are looking for. It will depend on a number of factors. This comes down to the age of the person buying it, and how regularly you surf because they wear out fairly quickly. It also comes down to how much you are willing to pay.

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