Burn Away Your Body Fat With The Help Of An HCG Texas Weight Loss Consultant

By Liliana Mills

The HCG diet is gaining popularity in Texas as people share their success stories. The program combines hormone therapy with a calorie restricted meal plan. It allows dieters to shed weight rapidly without feeling hungry. Losses of 10 to 25 pounds are possible the first three weeks. Under the supervision of an HCG Texas weight loss consultant, the program can be followed successfully with no risk to an individual's health.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG is a natural hormone produced by pregnant women. It promotes the mobilization of stored fat from cells in the abdomen, hips and thighs. When this fat is released into the bloodstream it is used as an energy source for the growing fetus.

The use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin for weight loss dates back to the 1950s. Dr. Albert Simeons, a British endocrinologist, tested HCG on clinically obese men and women. They received daily injections of the hormone while following a low calorie eating regime. The results were very encouraging. The subjects quickly lost their excess weight with no reported side-effects or reduction in muscle tissue. Amazingly, the dieters experienced no feelings of hunger or loss of energy.

Today no one has to endure daily injections in order to benefit from the fat mobilizing and hunger suppressing effects of HCG. Weight loss consultants can supply their patients with the hormone in a new oral formula. Just a few drops under the tongue two or three times a daily can help the body to burn away stubborn fat deposits.

The diet is easy to begin with. On the first two days of hormone treatment, people are encouraged to load up on all their favorite foods. After that, they are only allowed 500 calories a day. While the hormone is active, excess fat is converted into energy that can be used to support normal daily activities. The constant source of available fuel inhibits hunger signals and greatly reduces the body's food requirements.

In the main weight loss stage, the diet consists of two 250 calorie meals a day. These are each made up of of 100 grams of fish, lean beef or chicken, a vegetable, a serving of fruit and a bread stick. The list of allowable food choices is relatively limited. Cooking oil and all added fats are prohibited, but dishes can be flavored with herbs, spices, lemon juice or vinegar. To make meals more varied, meat and vegetables can be combined into salads or soups.

Low calorie intake combined with a high rate of fat burning produces losses of up to thirty pounds in the first month. However, there is no danger of becoming too thin. The diet is self-limiting because HCG only suppresses hunger when the body is carrying excess fat. When the dieter reaches a normal weight, their food cravings return, even if they continue to take the hormone.

HCG Texas weight loss consultants support their patients throughout the HCG diet program and help them to maintain their healthy weight. After supplying patients with the hormone, they may recommend nutritional supplements to ensure optimum health during fat loss. They provide advice, motivation and encouragement to help clients reach their goals.

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