Get in shape now doing kettlebell workouts at home

By Chris Rivers

Kettlebell workouts have been around for a long time, and in many ways they are a lot better than conventional dumbbells. They may not seem all that different from most traditional weights, but they are actually better for certain exercises. This is largely due to the design of the kettlebells themselves, not to mention how they were traditionally used.

Better Motion Dynamics is a key feature. Using kettle bells is actually better than using dumbbells. Because of the unique design of this equipment, the weight is distributed above your writs. When using dumbbells however, the weight is distributed on the central part of your writs. The position of the weight on your hands is very important because it has something to do with motion dynamics of your workout. Many kettle bell exercises involve wide swinging which you can't actually do effectively using dumbbells.

Another important feature of kettlebell workouts is that they help your body absorb shock critically. This is one of the reasons why athletes as well as martial artists often include kettlebell exercises in their daily workout.

A popular kettlebell workout is the doing the kettle bell swing. This workout works both strength training and cardiovascular endurance. Swings are a real all round exercise and can burn up to 20 calories a minutes done correctly.

Aside from athletes, kettle bells can also offer plenty of great benefits to ordinary people who just want to lose weight. One of the best benefits of kettlebell workouts is that they develop the body's midsection and increase shoulder flexibility. Given these reasons, many physical therapists and chiropractors recommend these kinds of workouts to their patients. Of course, if you're only interested in increasing your body strength then you can easily use your kettle bells for squats and double swings to get the effects that you want.

However, the primary reason why kettlebells are such great exercising tools is because they offset the body's center of gravity. What this means is that your body is forced to work harder in order to maintain its balance. This has the positive effect of causing several muscles groups in your body to work together every time you lift the KB.

As you can see, the kettlebell facilitates so many different aspects of human fitness that it's almost foolish not to include it in your fitness routine.

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