Learning How To Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Serena Price

Many people could have a better quality of life if they understood the significance of the reverse insulin resistance lifestyle. Insulin resistance, in which the body cannot properly utilize glucose on a cellular level, makes people feel tired all the time, increases hunger, and can lead to serious health concerns. These include diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, major illnesses in the westernized world.

Many people live in ignorance about how their bodies work and how food affects them. Disorders like resistance to insulin develop over a long period of improper diet and living, so many are unaware that they have an imbalance. Anyone who includes in their diet a large amount of refined carbohydrates, commercial baked goods, fried and fast foods, and sweetened drinks is at risk.

Glucose is present in food and also is made by the body from carbohydrates. Whole foods contain carbohydrates along with fibers and proteins which slow down digestion and provide a steady supply of glucose, which the body can handle naturally. However, refined carbohydrates are digested rapidly, blood sugar rises quickly, and too much insulin is released by the pancreas. This causes a blood sugar drop, which is a 'hunger' signal. The person eats again, probably the wrong sort of food, and the process repeats. This eventually causes cellular malfunction.

To compound the problem, when people eat too much of the wrong food, their body is also deprived of essential nutrition. Fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats may all be deficient. The body craves these things, but this manifests as a desire for addictive sugars. As hunger increases, busy people reach for convenience foods and gain weight but not health.

The first warning signal of this condition is often fatigue. Many people in the modern world complain of a lack of energy for daily tasks. They find that the food they eat no longer gives them a boost but instead makes them fuzzy-headed and bloated. Life becomes drudgery.

This is a complex subject, but it does not need to be fully understood to be addressed. The first step is to evaluate your diet. If it's heavy on refined foods and starches but light on leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fruits, you are probably not getting what you need. Supplements can help, but there is no sense in eating wrong and expecting to escape the consequences.

Valuable supplements include chromium, a trace mineral usually deficient in foods grown for the mass market. Some people take a 100 milligram capsule with every meal or sugary snack and find that it helps. Vitamin K, citrus peel extract, cinnamon, and many other herbs, minerals, and vitamins have been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels in clinical trials. Omega-3 fatty acids should be supplemented.

This condition - not a disease but an imbalance - can be misdiagnosed as diabetes. It makes you tired, fuzzy-headed, depressed, and overweight. Losing weight, exercising regularly, and eating right are key ways to reverse insulin resistance. You owe it to yourself to address this problem.

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