Are Kettlebells Or Dumbbells Superior For Gym Based Strength Gains?

By Russ Howe

Kettlebells vs dumbbells - which training equipment is superior? This is a question which has caused divided opinions in many gyms over the years but today you will discover the definitive answer based on the latest scientific research on the subject.

While it's not uncommon to meet individuals who swear blindly that following one protocol is the best way to build muscle and lose body fat, the general consensus is that the optimal results can be achieved through a varied combination of both methods as well as lesser known styles, including resistance bands and suspension trainers.

However, recent scientific research looked into the kettlebell training style in direct comparison to free weight training in a bid to put an end to the arguments among fitness enthusiasts.

In the study, researchers ordered their first group of subjects to perform a six week course of swings, goblet squats and accelerated swings using a 35 pound weight. Improvements of squat ability, vertical leap and power clean strength were documented.

Their second group of subjects were put through a 6 week course of squats, high pulls and power cleans using free weights in a bid to boost strength on squat, power clean and vertical leap. They used a weight which was equal to 80% of their one repetition max.

At the end of the six week study, the results of the two groups were compiled and compared. The overwhelming winner was the second group - the free weight group. These individuals boasted improvements of a 15% higher squat compared to group A's 5% increase. They also noticed a 10% power clean and 4% vertical leap boost.

The kettlebell group lagged behind with only a 4% power clean boost and 1% vertical leap improvement. Given that this piece of kit is well known for it's explosiveness, a mere 1% boost to vertical leap strength was surprisingly low in comparison to what could be achieved through free weights.

These results clearly document that free weights return superior strength gains overall.

Of course, it would be very silly to take this study on face value and insist that you are only going to train with barbells and dumbbells from now on. Just because they were shown to be superior across the board for strength gains does not mean that any other form of training is useless. For example, body weight jump squats have been shown to recruit 40% more muscle fibers than barbell squats, does this mean you should never squat with a barbell again? No, of course not.

While free weights have now been shown to trump other equipment in the strength category, that doesn't mean they are the only method you should use. For instance, there are a number of exercises which can be performed using a kettlebell which are simply more functional than using conventional dumbbells and barbells. The swing is a perfect example of that.

The battle between kettlebells vs dumbbells will be one that undoubtedly cuts most gyms down the middle depending upon personal choice. However, the latest scientific research clearly documents one winner.

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