What To Capture In Disability Strengthening Videos

By Matthew Meyer

Every human being deserves fair treatment. The rights of different members of the society must be upheld, and any attempt to violate them must be treated with instant punishment. Some lessons for disability strengthening videos are discussed below and their emphasis nailed down.

First and foremost, the nature of the language used to communicate with these people. The tone should be welcoming and aiming at uplifting their self-esteem. Never at one point address them by the nature of their dormancy in some activities. That is ignorance and a sign of total disrespect for the concerned and requires urgent addressing and scolding. Positive dialect must be stressed in the lessons.

Respect for the type of tools and devices used by the concerned parties to assist them to move around or perform specific tasks be treated with due respect. Not playing with them, moving them everywhere and putting them into unnecessary use against the will of the owner. This may offend them a lot and cause a lot of psychological disturbances as well as physical problems. This should be well taught in these videos.

Tolerance and patience in dealing with these people being require preached vigorously. They must be given enough time to do their things without any hurry and harassment. This is because they are likely to be slower and less efficient. Attempts should be directed towards improving them but not mistreating them and expecting perfection. It is known they are not perfect as we may be. Understanding that they need some more time will be a goal in the tutorial.

Another thing to capture will be the need to develop an understanding of the abilities of these people. They could have developed new mechanisms for doing various things for themselves and therefore have to be allowed to do them on their own. It is until they ask for help or it is necessary to intervene. The whole thing must be done politely and with the due respect.

Teach that making assumptions is wrong and therefore learning to be employed instead. One should not judge out of looks but must give time to learn as discover the person well. Some disabilities are not explicit and premature conclusions may lead to unfair treatment and consequently violations of human fundamental freedoms and rights.

An important lesson that will boost interactions will be to sensitize on the need to seek clarifications when you are not sure of what the person wants or is up to. Some of these people may be misunderstood and treated in the wrong manner. In the case of any doubt, it is better to ask them what they want. It will be more comfortable for them saying than you deciding for them.

The main lesson should be on the rights and freedoms of disabled and their importance. A comprehensive study of the types of special rights and treatments extended to this particular group needs to be well communicated in the tutorials you make. At the end of the day let everyone who watches it develop a sense of responsibility and accountability.

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